Category: Latest News

New Bird Boxes
New Bird Boxes

Our new Bird Boxes were installed today. It will be great for the pupils to see the birds coming and going as they build their nests. Our thanks to Mrs McDaid, our Green Schools Co-Ordinator, for organising the boxes.


Say Yes to Languages
Say Yes to Languages

Today we were delighted to welcome our Spanish Tutor Vivian to the school to start our new ‘Say Yes To Languages’ Programme. Vivian will be here for ten weeks teaching Spanish to the pupils of 3rd-6th Classes. Everyone is off to a great start!

St. Brigid Cross Making
St. Brigid Cross Making

Today in the 3rd & 4th Classroom we made St. Brigid Crosses. A skill that the children enjoyed learning.

Bug Hotel
Bug Hotel

The Green Schools Committee were out today checking the bug hotel for storm damage. 
They were also identifying suitable locations for new bird boxes and hanging baskets. 


1st & 2nd Classes Visit The Bug Hotel!
1st & 2nd Classes Visit The Bug Hotel!

The pupils of 1st and 2nd Classes went on a nature walk today to see what species of birds they could find. They also visited our bug hotel to see if there were any new residents!

3rd and 4th Classes Aeroplane Models
3rd and 4th Classes Aeroplane Models

The pupils of 3rd and 4th Classes completing their models of aeroplanes after studying about the Wright Brothers. 

3rd and 4th Classes Construct our Bug Hotel!
3rd and 4th Classes Construct our Bug Hotel!

The children of 3rd and 4th Classes collected hollow plant stems, rocks, bricks, small branches, twigs, wood, pine cones, plant pots and leaves to make their bug hotel. Our thanks to Mr. McDermott’s father for helping us with our project!

The hotel is now open for business – cheap rates available!!

Carol Singing on The Diamond
Carol Singing on The Diamond

As is a tradition every year, the children of 3rd-6th Classes assemble to treat the shoppers of Donegal Town to their wonderful singing! The children have been working very hard with Mrs McDaid over the past number of weeks and, despite the weather, enjoyed every moment! Well done to all the boys and girls, and of course Mrs McDaid.

1st & 2nd Classes Science
1st & 2nd Classes Science

1st and 2nd Classes made some rainbows with skittles. We also made a volcano which caused an eruption! We have some budding scientists in this room! 

Christmas Shoe Box Appeal
Christmas Shoe Box Appeal

As always, the school community here at St. Naul’s have come together to support Team Hope with their Christmas Shoe Box Appeal. Here are our Junior and Senior Infants with some of the large number of boxes received. Thank you to everyone who supported Team Hope this year. There are many children who will have a big smile on their face when they receive their box from St. Naul’s N.S.!