Category: Latest News

Christmas Nativity 2018
Christmas Nativity 2018

All the children in the school took part in our Christmas Nativity 2018 – ‘Straw & Order’ – a battle for the stable between the cows and the donkeys! The children and staff had great fun putting this nativity together and we hope everyone who came to see it enjoyed it as much as we did!

Straw & Order 20th Dec -1

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3rd-6th Classes Tour – Rockhill
3rd-6th Classes Tour – Rockhill

Our 3rd-6th Classes went on tour to Rockhill Holiday Park this year. The weather was very kind for our active tour and the water activities kept everyone cool! The children took part in lots of fun activities and as you will see from all the photographs – they all had a great time!

Junior Tour 2018
Junior Tour 2018

We went to Barrontop Farm on Friday 22nd June with the Infants, 1st & 2nd Classes. The children all had a great day out and were kept busy with all the activities on the farm!

Food Dudes
Food Dudes

All the children in the school have taken part in the Food Dudes Programme. They tried various types of fruit and vegetables over the course of the last few months. Well done to all the pupils who took part and hopefully they will keep up the good work!

Christmas 2017
Christmas 2017

We had a great Christmas here at the school with plenty going on! The Polar Express came to town with an elf version of each pupil on board! This was on show in the GP room where we held our Nativity Play for all the families on 21st December. The children worked very hard on the shows and we hope everyone enjoyed it. 

On the last day of school before Christmas Santa came to the school with a gift for all the children! We are very lucky here at St. Naul’s because Santa visits us every year!

Click on the photograph for more pictures…….

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Views From The Past
Views From The Past

Last week Paddy Boyle, a local farmer, came to the school to talk to the children of 5th & 6th Classes about life in Donegal when he was younger. Paddy described what school, farms and work was like. Everyone enjoyed listening to Paddys stories and learning about how life was before smartphones and tablets existed! Our thanks to Paddy for coming along to talk to the children.

Book Fair 2017
Book Fair 2017

Yesterday we held our Book Fair at the school. This was a great chance for the children to buy their favourite books and for the parents and guardians to come along and support the school. The school will earn commission on all the books purchased at the fair and we will now be able to buy new books for the school. Thank you so much to all the parents, guardians and grandparents who came along on the day to buy books. We are very grateful for your support. 

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Christmas Shoe Box Appeal 2017
Christmas Shoe Box Appeal 2017


Every year we ask the families of the school to donate to the Christmas Shoe Box Appeal. These boxes are delivered to children in need in Eastern Europe and Africa.  As always, we received a great response. Here are some of the children with some of the boxes! Thank you very much to every one who donated.

Infants Autumn Leaf Hunt
Infants Autumn Leaf Hunt

The Infants went on a walk around the school grounds and learned about the changing season from Summer to Autumn. They went on a leaf hunt and gathered various types.

Click on the photograph for more pictures……

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5th & 6th Class Art – Iron Man
5th & 6th Class Art – Iron Man

The children in 5th & 6th Classes have been reading the Book ‘The Iron Man’ and decided to start an art project creating their own ‘Iron Man’. Lots of boxes and tubes were gathered and they set to work! 

Click on the photograph to see more pictures of the pupils at work and their final creations!

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