Category: Junior and Senior Infants

Fr. Seamus Memorial Day
Fr. Seamus Memorial Day

We welcomed Minister for Education Joe McHugh and members of the late Fr. Seamus Gallagher’s family to the school today in remembrance of Fr. Seamus, a much missed character in the community.

As Chairman of the Board of Management, Fr. Seamus assisted the school in many ways, and was a very popular presence on his regular visits to St. Naul’s N.S., with pupils and staff alike. The large turnout was a testament to the esteem in which his parishioners held him.

Minister McHugh and Hugh Gallagher, brother of Fr. Seamus, unveiled a memorial bench and willow dome after the pupils of the school had performed a number of musical tributes to Fr. Seamus, followed by a tribute by Fr. Seamus’ uncle, Danny Meehan.

Fr. James Sweeney, Parish Priest of Inver, spoke on behalf of the Parish. The school community was also joined by Seamus’ sisters Ann and Mary Catherine, as well as other members of his extended family.

Rory O’Donnell thanked the Board of Management, staff and pupils for all their hard work in the lead up to the day, and also thanked the Parents Association for their continuing support of the school.

Our thanks, as always, to Barbara McGroary for her fantastic photographs of the day.

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Easter Art in the Infant Room
Easter Art in the Infant Room

The Infants were very busy this week with their Easter art! They made Easter cards, Easter baskets and Easter bunnies!

Easter Fun In The Sun!!
Easter Fun In The Sun!!

‘Move Well Move Often’

Everyone at St. Naul’s enjoyed the fun activities out in the sunshine today. The children on the Active Committee organised an obstacle race starting with a ‘bunny hop’ onto hopscotch followed by an egg throw into hoops, and lastly an egg & spoon race. We had five teams of 16 and the red team were delighted to be the fastest ‘active’ winners. Their prize of a night off homework on the first day back after the Easter break was met with great cheers!

Well done to all the boys and girls today.


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Aldi/IRFU Play Rugby Poster Competition
Aldi/IRFU Play Rugby Poster Competition

We did it! One of our three full posters of stickers gathered by all the families of the school. Thank you to everyone who helped us reach our target. They have now been sent back to Aldi – so fingers crossed everyone!

Mothers Day Gifts!
Mothers Day Gifts!

The Infant Classroom had great fun making their gifts for Mammy on Friday – we hope all the Mammies liked them!


Ag Súgradh le Chéile
Ag Súgradh le Chéile

Junior & Senior Infants took part in Súgradh le Chéile today.

Ag Súgradh le Chéile, or “Playing Together” is a workshop to encourage active play between parents and children. Adults and children took part in a variety of activities including ball games, rhymes and traditional games, and finished off with a healthy snack and well earned cup of tea!

Many thanks to Kirsty our tutor and to all the parents and children for their participation. Great fun was had by all!


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Playground Games!
Playground Games!

Our Active School Committee drew up a rota for the use of P.E. Equipment in the playground at lunchtimes.

The Active Agents in each class brought out the equipment every day and ensured that it was brought back inside afterwards. The children had great fun playing with the hoops, beanbags, scoops and balls and their skipping skills have improved immensely!

World Down Syndrome Awareness Day
World Down Syndrome Awareness Day


March 21st is World Down Syndrome Awareness day and the day is marked by people wearing mismatched socks. We invited all the pupils and staff to wear mismatched socks to school – ‘Because our differences are what make us great’. Ryan and Alana came to school with rice krispie buns for everyone which were made by Ryan and Alana, with the help of Mum Paula and sister Amy. Thank you for the lovely treats! 

GAA Training
GAA Training

As part of our Active School Flag process, we invited a coach from our local GAA Club, St. Naul’s, to come along and provide coaching in gaelic football for all classes. As you can see from the photographs, the children had lots of fun while learning new skills. Thank you Donie!

Green Day at St. Naul’s!
Green Day at St. Naul’s!

All the pupils came to school today wearing green in readiness for the St. Patrick’s Day celebrations! Lots of fun for everyone as they made their St. Patricks Day artwork!