Category: Partnerships

Annual Fundraising Cycle
Annual Fundraising Cycle

We are delighted to announce the launch of our annual cycle/walk/run fundraiser here at St. Naul’s! This is always a great event for the school and the wider community and we look forward to seeing everyone here on the 18th June!

GAA Training in the sunshine!
GAA Training in the sunshine!

1st & 2nd Classes enjoyed their weekly GAA training session with Donie today in the sun soaked playground!

Aldi Rugby Poster Competition
Aldi Rugby Poster Competition

Thank you to all the parents and pupils for collecting stickers for the Aldi poster competition. We will once again be in the draw with a chance of winning the big prize.

Aldi Rugby Competition
Aldi Rugby Competition

A big thank you to all the pupils and their families for collecting all the Aldi Play Rugby Stickers! We were delighted to fill three posters. Although we didn’t win the big prize in the draw, St. Naul’s N.S. received 3 Aldi Play Rugby kit bags, 12 rugby balls and 3 sets of Aldi Play water bottles. Excellent timing as this equipment arrived just in time for our Active Week!

School Cycle 2019
School Cycle 2019

Our annual school cycle was a great success again this year (despite the weather!). All the pupils brought their bikes to school and thanks to funding we received through the Donegal Sports Partnership, we were able to get a bicycle mechanic in to carry out a safety check on all the bikes. Our thanks to Oisín from our local Donegal Bay Cycling Club who also came to speak to the children about cycle safety

Once we knew everyone was good to go we organised the school yard with cones for the younger children to cycle their routes around, and set out with the older children for a cycle to the beach at Inver, where we had hoped to carry out a beach clean up. Unfortunately, the Donegal weather had other ideas, and sent a torrential rain shower down on us! Sadly, our idea of a clean up at the beach had to be abandoned and we had to quickly head for home! 

Once we were back at school and all dried off (and the weather dried up a bit!), the older children joined in the cycling activities on the yard with the younger children. Everyone had a great day! We would like to thank the Donegal Sports Partnership for their support of the school, and the funding they granted us for our school cycle activity through the Department of Tourism and Sport and Donegal County Council. Thanks to their funding, we were also able to provide a nice hot lunch for the children as a reward for all their peddling! Great fun all round!


See below for some photos (when the camera could come out between rain showers!)


As part of our campaign to get the children more active and try difference sports, Donie and Brian from Donegal G.A.A. came to the school to show the children some hurling skills. Our thanks to Donie and Brian for their expertise.

Astroturf Trip!
Astroturf Trip!

In our parents survey, we asked what we could do to help improve P.E. in the school. Part of the feedback received suggested that we should involve the children who do not necessarily participate in team sports; in a non competitive activity. As a response to this, we organised for the pupils to travel to the astroturf pitch at Eany Celtic FC, where we organised lots of games for fun only! They had lots of laughs as they took part in the various activities. Good fun all round!

AVS Athletics
AVS Athletics

A group of boys and girls from 1st Class to 6th Class travelled to Donegal Town on Friday to take part in the Tir Chonaill Athletics schools competition at the Abbey Vocational School. They had a great day out and some were lucky enough to come home with medals! Well done to all the boys and girls for representing the school so well.


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Aldi/IRFU Play Rugby Poster Competition
Aldi/IRFU Play Rugby Poster Competition

We did it! One of our three full posters of stickers gathered by all the families of the school. Thank you to everyone who helped us reach our target. They have now been sent back to Aldi – so fingers crossed everyone!

Active Walkway
Active Walkway

The walkway resource which was set up in partnership with ‘Get Ireland Walking’ is in full use. The colourful and durable signposts remind us of this facility on the school grounds. The junior classes are using it for movement breaks aiding concentration on return to class while our senior rooms work on their times tables as they walk……and talk.