Month: October 2023

Hallowe’en Dress up fun in the Infant Classroom!
Hallowe’en Dress up fun in the Infant Classroom!

Junior and Senior Infants came to school all dressed up today! They had a pumpkin hunt and got to blow bubbles and run after them to pop them!

Hallowe’en GAA Training Fun
Hallowe’en GAA Training Fun

As is normal practice every Friday, the whole school took part in GAA training with Donie from St. Naul’s GAA. This week, however, things took a spooky turn as all sorts of characters turned up to train! Our thanks as always to Donie for being such a good sport!

Maths Week in the Infant Classroom
Maths Week in the Infant Classroom

We went on a maths trails this week to look for different shapes around the school. We found lots!

Fun with P.E. Resources in the Playground
Fun with P.E. Resources in the Playground

Everyone is enjoying playing with the skipping ropes, beanbags, rackets and balls in the playground at lunchtime .
The Playground Leaders help to distribute and collect the equipment and also work with Junior and Senior Infants showing them how to skip and use the rackets and balls.

New P.E. Resources
New P.E. Resources

The Active Flag Committee members helped to sort out our new P.E. Equipment. We purchased new bean bags, skipping ropes and cones and put them into boxes for each classroom.

3rd & 4th Classes Science Experiments
3rd & 4th Classes Science Experiments

3rd & 4th Classes were learning about electricity and magnets. They completed a series of experiments – some of which were hair raising!!

Fun with the iPads
Fun with the iPads

The pupils from 3rd & 4th Classes came to the Infant room and helped us to play maths and phonics games on the iPads.

3rd & 4th Classes Solar System Project
3rd & 4th Classes Solar System Project

3rd & 4th Classes are completing the planets of the solar system for Science Week!