Day: 20 June 2023

Active School Week – Tuesday!
Active School Week – Tuesday!

SPORTS DAY! …… The sun came out and all the pupils had an action packed day. Everyone split up into their allocated colours to make up four teams, each consisting of a mix of pupils ranging from Junior Infants all the way up to 6th Class.

We did ….  * Wake Up Shake up (the whole school)

                        * Sprints (all classes boys/girls)

                        * Egg & Spoon Races (all classes)

                        * Skipping Races (all Classes)

                        * Throw the Wellie (3rd-6th Classes)

                        * Parachute Games (1st & 2nd Classes)

Sports Day Fun!
Sports Day Fun!

Our Sports Day takes place during our Active Week. Lots of fun had by everyone!


Our Parents Association annual fundraising cycle/walk/run took place on Sunday 18th June with a great turnout as always. Our thanks to Sean Gallagher and the Parents Association for their organising of this event every year. It is always a very successful fundraiser for the school. Our thanks also to Brenda Gallagher of Brenda’s Beauty Salon for her sponsorship of fruit for the refreshments, and to all the parents who came along to help on the day and who donated refreshment items. We are edging ever closer to completing our artificial playground at the school!


An action packed school tour took place last week as we visited Rockhill Holiday Park. The children took part in a number of activities, and as you can see from the photographs, they had a great day with smiles all around! Thanks to all the parents who came along on the tour – we hope you enjoyed the day as well!