Active School Week – Monday!

A sunny day and we started off with the whole school assembling in the yard for ‘Wake Up, Shake Up’ exercises which were demonstrated by our Active Committee. The classes then split into their own yard spaces and began to partake in some fun activities. The Junior Room had running races organised which proved to be very popular. Mrs McGroary’s class played traffic lights and four corners, while Mr. McDermott’s class enjoyed a competitive game of Unihoc. Master O’Donnell’s class started off playing chains and later went in to the GP room for an exciting game of skittles. 

A big thank you to Damien Friel from Eany Celtic Football Club, who arrived after break time and kindly set up Mrs Gavigan’s and Mrs McGroary’s classes with a very enjoyable session on football drills and skills. Mrs Gavigan’s class were also delighted to play a novelty game in the yard during the lunch break. 

The afternoon kicked off with the challenge of getting through a fun obstacle course for all classes – followed by skipping, basketball and the beanbag throw! A great start to our Active Week!