Day: 14 June 2023

School Cycle
School Cycle

Our annual school cycle took place today, and what a great day it was! The weather continued to be kind to us as the younger pupils took to the school yard and the older pupils made their way to the beach at Inver. Our thanks to our helpers – Sean Gallagher and John O’Sullivan!

3rd & 4th Classes Football Blitz
3rd & 4th Classes Football Blitz

Donie McCole from St. Naul’s GAA & LFGA Club comes to the school every week to provide training for all of our pupils The 3rd & 4th Classes were delighted when he organised a fun blitz involving all the local schools, which took place on Monday. They all had a great day out! Our thanks to Donie for all his help this year and for organising the fun blitz for everyone.

3rd & 4th Classes Vegetable Produce!
3rd & 4th Classes Vegetable Produce!

The children of 3rd & 4th Classes picked their vegetables this week. They were delighted with their home grown produce!

Learning about habitats
Learning about habitats

The children of Junior & Senior Infants learned about habitats. We made our own ‘Jungle’ and ‘Under the Sea’ art displays.