Day: 18 November 2022

The Great St. Naul’s Bake Off!
The Great St. Naul’s Bake Off!

Junior & Senior Infants made scones today. We all took turns at mixing and kneading the dough. Then everyone cut out a scone and we baked them in the oven. After lunch we got to eat our scones and they were delicious!

Paired Activities
Paired Activities

5th Class visited Junior Infants this week and read them stories. They also helped the Infants to make jigsaws. Everyone worked really well together.

Making Volcanoes with 1st & 2nd Classes!
Making Volcanoes with 1st & 2nd Classes!

The children of 1st & 2nd Classes enjoyed carrying out a volcano experiment for Science Week!

GAA Coaching with St. Naul’s
GAA Coaching with St. Naul’s

Donie from St. Naul’s GAA & LGFA Club came to the school today to start some training with all the classes. We were delighted to welcome Donie back to the school to teach some ball skills.