Category: Sports

Cumann na mBunscol Football
Cumann na mBunscol Football

Our boys and girls teams competed in the four teacher school Cumann na mBunscol football league today. Some great football was on display in both games and the school was well represented by both teams. Well done to all!

Spar 5-a-side Soccer
Spar 5-a-side Soccer

Our boys and girls teams took part in the Spar 5-a-side soccer competition today at Eany Celtic FC in Inver. Both teams played some great football – even playing through the hailstone showers that descended on them! Well done to everyone who took part today and represented the school.


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GAA Training
GAA Training

As part of our Active School Flag process, we invited a coach from our local GAA Club, St. Naul’s, to come along and provide coaching in gaelic football for all classes. As you can see from the photographs, the children had lots of fun while learning new skills. Thank you Donie!

Golf Coaching
Golf Coaching

The coach from our local Golf Club in Murvagh came to the school to teach some golfing skills to the children from 3rd-6th Classes. They learned how to hold the golf club, the correct stance and how to hit a ball! Great fun had by all. Thanks to Leslie for coming in.

Cross Country County Finals
Cross Country County Finals

The children took part in the cross country county finals.  We had lots of medal winners on the day and all the children had great fun.  



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Indoor Football
Indoor Football

Our boys team competed in the southern final of the Cumann na mBunscol indoor football competition today. The boys played some great football and came second on the day. Well done boys!

Cross Country 2017
Cross Country 2017

Congratulations to all the children who represented the school and took part in the Cross County competition on 15th September. All the pupils ran extremely well and we had several top ten finishers. Congratulations to our girls U9 team, who came 1st on the day and will progress to the county finals. Our U11 boys also finished 1st on the day and will travel to compete in the county final. Well done everyone!

Click on the photograph for more pictures…..

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School Athletics in Donegal Town
School Athletics in Donegal Town

Some of the children from the school took part in the annual schools athletics organised by Tír Conaill Athletics Club in Donegal Town. We had great fun on the day and lots of the children came home with medals! Well done to all those who took part.

Click on the photograph for more pictures……

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Soccer County Final
Soccer County Final


The girls soccer team competed in a 7 a side county final this week in Ballyare, Letterkenny. They all had a great day out and played excellent football. Unfortunately, the results didn’t go their way but well done to all the girls for their hard work. Congratulations on reaching the county final!

Sportshall County Finals
Sportshall County Finals


Congratulations to our Sportshall Athletes who competed today in the County Finals at the Aura Centre in Letterkenny. In a closely contested final, they came second by the narrowest of margins – just two points. Well done to all the children who took part in the event.