Category: PE

We had great fun learning some fundamental movement skills with Donnie today.

New P.E. Resources
New P.E. Resources

The Active Flag Committee members helped to sort out our new P.E. Equipment. We purchased new bean bags, skipping ropes and cones and put them into boxes for each classroom.

Circuit Training!
Circuit Training!

Junior and Senior Infants had great fun today doing circuits with the pupils from 5th & 6th Classes.

P.E. – Ball Games
P.E. – Ball Games

As part of our P.E. Programme, one of the strands is ball games. 3rd & 4th Classes were very enthusiastic with the new games this term!


We are covering the gymnastics strand in P.E. at the moment. The pupils of 1st & 2nd Classes are learning how to do their rolls, in P. E. Class.

Cross Country County Finals
Cross Country County Finals

The children took part in the cross country county finals.  We had lots of medal winners on the day and all the children had great fun.  



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