Category: Latest News


This week saw the start of our 6 week swimming programme with the pupils from 3rd & 4th Classes. This takes place annually here at St. Naul’s and it is very much looked forward to by the children! Here are the excited pupils on their way to the bus!

Halloween Fun!
Halloween Fun!

All the children dressed up today for some spooky fun at School! Some great costumes were on show! 

Cross Country Success!
Cross Country Success!

We had a great day away at the Cross Country County Finals in Buncrana. Over 20 children from St. Naul’s qualified for the finals and we were delighted to have some medal winners on the day! Congratulations to our U13 boys, who won gold medals and the cup as county champions; and our U13 girls and U9 boys, who won bronze medals. 

St. Naul’s Senior Men Won The Cup!
St. Naul’s Senior Men Won The Cup!

We were delighted to see some of the players from St. Naul’s GAA Mens Senior Team at the school today with the Intermediate Cup which they won last Sunday! Past pupils John Rose, Gavin Mulreany and Brendan McCole came along to show the cup to all the children. It was especially fitting to take the photographs at Fr. Seamus’ bench as today is his anniversary and while we remember him every day, today we celebrated mass for him as well. 

P.E. – Ball Games
P.E. – Ball Games

As part of our P.E. Programme, one of the strands is ball games. 3rd & 4th Classes were very enthusiastic with the new games this term!

Soccer Stars
Soccer Stars

Here at St. Naul’s National School we are delighted that Jackie Hughes of Eany Celtic football club has returned to coach Ms. McGroary’s class on Friday mornings. The pupils are encouraged to maintain physical activity while enhancing their teamwork skills.

Congratulations Samara!
Congratulations Samara!

Congratulations to one of our parents, Samara, who has won the Aldi Brown Bread Competition at the National Ploughing Championships. Samara is a great supporter of our school and is always willing to bake for any of our events, so it is great to see her receive national recognition for her talents. Well done Samara!!

Aldi Rugby Poster Competition
Aldi Rugby Poster Competition

Thank you to all the parents and pupils for collecting stickers for the Aldi poster competition. We will once again be in the draw with a chance of winning the big prize.

Daily Mile!
Daily Mile!

All the pupils returned after the summer holidays energised and ready to continue with our physical activities. The dance breaks continue to be enjoyed by all the junior classes. Our Active committee all agreed that ‘The Daily Mile’ was the most popular running initiative. It was decided to commence this on 9th September for 2 weeks and we will re-visit this at that stage. Let’s get active, let’s stay active!

We have two new members on the committee, Shay and Anna who replace Karl and Lucy who have moved on to the Abbey Vocational School.

Aldi Rugby Competition
Aldi Rugby Competition

A big thank you to all the pupils and their families for collecting all the Aldi Play Rugby Stickers! We were delighted to fill three posters. Although we didn’t win the big prize in the draw, St. Naul’s N.S. received 3 Aldi Play Rugby kit bags, 12 rugby balls and 3 sets of Aldi Play water bottles. Excellent timing as this equipment arrived just in time for our Active Week!