Category: Physical Activity


We had a very active day at school today to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day! All the children have been learning Irish and Céilí Dancing for the past week or two and all the new skills learned were put into practice as the children took part in their céilí. We also held our annual parade on the school yard, accompanied by our brilliant musicians. Lots of art and crafts went home, as well as certificates for Seachtain na Gaeilge Well done everyone! All in all a great fun day at school today. Click below for photographs and videos.


1st & 2nd Classes GAA Training
1st & 2nd Classes GAA Training

Our weekly GAA training sessions continue with Donie from St. Naul’s GAA & LGFA Club. The children of 1st & 2nd Classes are, as always, enjoying learning new skills.

Football Blitz
Football Blitz

Our school teams took part in a gaelic football blitz at Inver Community Centre recently. Great fun by all with some super skills on show from our boys and girls!

Braving the elements for some GAA Training!
Braving the elements for some GAA Training!

All the children braved the elements today and enjoyed their GAA training with Donie from St. Naul’s GAA & LGFA Club.

GAA Coaching with St. Naul’s
GAA Coaching with St. Naul’s

Donie from St. Naul’s GAA & LGFA Club came to the school today to start some training with all the classes. We were delighted to welcome Donie back to the school to teach some ball skills.

Laps of the Playground!
Laps of the Playground!

Junior & Senior Infants run laps of the playground every morning to wake us up and keep us fit and healthy. We also do jumping jacks and crossover exercises to warm up first. Always a good start to the day!

Pupils School Cycle
Pupils School Cycle

The children took part in their annual school cycle yesterday – in between the rain showers! The children from Infants up to 2nd Classes took part in cycle activities on the school yard and the carp park during the course of the day, while the older children in 3rd-6th Classes cycled to the Warren beach in Inver. Unfortunately, the weather didn’t allow for time to stop for long at the beach before they had to make their way back to school!

Our thanks to Sean Gallagher who organised the cycle to the beach – helped by Enya, G

race and Lauren. It is always good to see past pupils helping out at the school when needed – thanks girls!



This week saw the start of our 6 week swimming programme with the pupils from 3rd & 4th Classes. This takes place annually here at St. Naul’s and it is very much looked forward to by the children! Here are the excited pupils on their way to the bus!

Cross Country Success!
Cross Country Success!

We had a great day away at the Cross Country County Finals in Buncrana. Over 20 children from St. Naul’s qualified for the finals and we were delighted to have some medal winners on the day! Congratulations to our U13 boys, who won gold medals and the cup as county champions; and our U13 girls and U9 boys, who won bronze medals. 

European Week of Sport – Lámh Signs and Actions

Our school is excited to take part in the European Week of Sport. As part of our inclusive P.E. programme we are learning some new lámh signs. Class Teachers showed the pupils how to sign these action words, e.g. ‘to run’ ‘to walk’ and ‘to hop’. Each day the pupils practised these signs in class and today we completed 120 minutes of physical activity including a game of ‘Simon Says’ using the new lámh signs.