Category: Partnerships

Súgradh le Chéile

Junior and Senior Infants were joined by their parents today in the hall for our annual Súgradh le Chéile workshop. We all had lots of fun playing games led by Eimear our Súgradh le Chéile tutor.

FAI Schools 5-a-side Competition

Our boys’ and girls’ teams took part in the FAI Schools 5-a-side competition at Eany Celtic grounds today. Both teams showcased their skills in a thrilling competition. The boys’ team emerged victorious, their teamwork and determination putting them through to the County Final.
Well done to all involved.

Sportshall Athletics
Sportshall Athletics

Our Sportshall Athletics team reached the county final yesterday at the Aura Centre in Letterkenny. They performed excellently on the day and came fourth. Congratulations to our neighbours in Frosses NS who came third. Well done everyone!

Run Around Europe 24 Assembly
Run Around Europe 24 Assembly

The ASF Committee members introduced the Run Around Europe 2024 challenge to everyone today at Assembly. Everyone was very excited and couldn’t wait to get started.

Hallowe’en GAA Training Fun
Hallowe’en GAA Training Fun

As is normal practice every Friday, the whole school took part in GAA training with Donie from St. Naul’s GAA. This week, however, things took a spooky turn as all sorts of characters turned up to train! Our thanks as always to Donie for being such a good sport!

Our New Astroturf Playground is finished!!
Our New Astroturf Playground is finished!!

After a number of years fundraising to install an artificial playground at the school – we finally have it!! The pupils of 5th & 6th Classes were eager to try out the new surface – which has proven to be a big hit! We will be holding an official opening in the coming months and look forward to seeing our whole school community there.


Our Parents Association annual fundraising cycle/walk/run took place on Sunday 18th June with a great turnout as always. Our thanks to Sean Gallagher and the Parents Association for their organising of this event every year. It is always a very successful fundraiser for the school. Our thanks also to Brenda Gallagher of Brenda’s Beauty Salon for her sponsorship of fruit for the refreshments, and to all the parents who came along to help on the day and who donated refreshment items. We are edging ever closer to completing our artificial playground at the school!

School Cycle
School Cycle

Our annual school cycle took place today, and what a great day it was! The weather continued to be kind to us as the younger pupils took to the school yard and the older pupils made their way to the beach at Inver. Our thanks to our helpers – Sean Gallagher and John O’Sullivan!

3rd & 4th Classes Football Blitz
3rd & 4th Classes Football Blitz

Donie McCole from St. Naul’s GAA & LFGA Club comes to the school every week to provide training for all of our pupils The 3rd & 4th Classes were delighted when he organised a fun blitz involving all the local schools, which took place on Monday. They all had a great day out! Our thanks to Donie for all his help this year and for organising the fun blitz for everyone.

Ag Sugradh le Chéile
Ag Sugradh le Chéile

Niamh from the Donegal Sports Partnership came to the school today as part of the Ag Sugradh le Chéile project, which aims to promote active play between parents and children. The parents/grandparents of the Junior and Senior Infants were invited to school and as you can see from the photographs – a lot of fun was had by all!