Category: Active Flag

Ag Sugradh le Chéile
Ag Sugradh le Chéile

Niamh from the Donegal Sports Partnership came to the school today as part of the Ag Sugradh le Chéile project, which aims to promote active play between parents and children. The parents/grandparents of the Junior and Senior Infants were invited to school and as you can see from the photographs – a lot of fun was had by all!

1st & 2nd Classes keeping fit with 5th & 6th Classes!
1st & 2nd Classes keeping fit with 5th & 6th Classes!

The 5th & 6th Class Pupils designed circuits for the 1st & 2nd Class pupils to enjoy.

Circuit Training!
Circuit Training!

Junior and Senior Infants had great fun today doing circuits with the pupils from 5th & 6th Classes.

Annual Fundraising Cycle
Annual Fundraising Cycle

We are delighted to announce the launch of our annual cycle/walk/run fundraiser here at St. Naul’s! This is always a great event for the school and the wider community and we look forward to seeing everyone here on the 18th June!

Infants Fun Time!
Infants Fun Time!

Junior and Senior Infants enjoyed a daily extra playtime this week as a reward for filling their ‘Bucket of Kindness’ during lent. Good fun was had by all and the pupils have been practising ball skills, skipping, balancing etc., using the school’s P.E. equipment. Thankfully the weather has been on our side!

GAA Training in the sunshine!
GAA Training in the sunshine!

1st & 2nd Classes enjoyed their weekly GAA training session with Donie today in the sun soaked playground!


We had a very active day at school today to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day! All the children have been learning Irish and Céilí Dancing for the past week or two and all the new skills learned were put into practice as the children took part in their céilí. We also held our annual parade on the school yard, accompanied by our brilliant musicians. Lots of art and crafts went home, as well as certificates for Seachtain na Gaeilge Well done everyone! All in all a great fun day at school today. Click below for photographs and videos.


1st & 2nd Classes GAA Training
1st & 2nd Classes GAA Training

Our weekly GAA training sessions continue with Donie from St. Naul’s GAA & LGFA Club. The children of 1st & 2nd Classes are, as always, enjoying learning new skills.

Football Blitz
Football Blitz

Our school teams took part in a gaelic football blitz at Inver Community Centre recently. Great fun by all with some super skills on show from our boys and girls!

Braving the elements for some GAA Training!
Braving the elements for some GAA Training!

All the children braved the elements today and enjoyed their GAA training with Donie from St. Naul’s GAA & LGFA Club.