Category: 1st & 2nd Classes

Science Week in 1st & 2nd Classes
Science Week in 1st & 2nd Classes

The children of 1st & 2nd Classes had lots of fun doing some experiments for Science Week. This is an experiment with skittles and water. The results were fascinating!

Halloween Story Time!
Halloween Story Time!

All the children in 1st & 2nd Classes enjoyed listening to some Halloween stories written by the children of 5th & 6th Classes

Halloween – 1st & 2nd Classes
Halloween – 1st & 2nd Classes

The children of 1st & 2nd classes enjoyed dressing up for Halloween and we also made some yummy witches hats!

1st & 2nd Classes learning new skills!
1st & 2nd Classes learning new skills!

All the children in the school are currently taking part in GAA training with Brian Roper from Donegal GAA. The 1st & 2nd Class children are certainly enjoying learning their new skills!

Pupils School Cycle
Pupils School Cycle

The children took part in their annual school cycle yesterday – in between the rain showers! The children from Infants up to 2nd Classes took part in cycle activities on the school yard and the carp park during the course of the day, while the older children in 3rd-6th Classes cycled to the Warren beach in Inver. Unfortunately, the weather didn’t allow for time to stop for long at the beach before they had to make their way back to school!

Our thanks to Sean Gallagher who organised the cycle to the beach – helped by Enya, G

race and Lauren. It is always good to see past pupils helping out at the school when needed – thanks girls!



Great fun around the school today as the sun shone on our pupils as they celebrated the feast of St. Patrick. From artwork to dancing – great craic at St. Naul’s N.S. today!

Halloween Fun & Games!
Halloween Fun & Games!

Lots of fun at school today as the children all dressed up for Halloween! Scary costumes galore and party games kept everyone amused! Well done to all the children (and parents!) for the fantastic costumes! 

Last Day of School – the Ice Cream Van!
Last Day of School – the Ice Cream Van!

Such excitement today on the yard when the children heard the ice cream van arriving! A treat for them all after a year none of us will ever forget!

Active Week – Wednesday – Sports Activities at School
Active Week – Wednesday – Sports Activities at School

We have been very busy outside this week, enjoying musical chairs, hot seat, tennis bubbles, skipping and welly throwing! The children also took part in sports activities such as relay races and obstacle courses. They have certainly all been active this week so far! Well done everyone!

Active Week! Monday Games on the Yard & In Class
Active Week! Monday Games on the Yard & In Class

Our Active Week got off to a great start with the weather being very cooperative! Everyone was happy to get outside and play games on the yard, and in between the outside games we played games in the classroom and GP room!