Category: 1st & 2nd Classes

1st and 2nd Classes Maths
1st and 2nd Classes Maths

1st and 2nd Classes have been learning about length in maths. We had fun building tall towers.

Santas Visit!
Santas Visit!

We were delighted this morning when Santa decided to pop in to the school to see everyone. He very kindly brought all the children a little gift and reminded them all to be kind. Thank you Santa!

Christmas Nativity
Christmas Nativity

The children have been working very hard over the past weeks on their performance of the Christmas Nativity. Mrs Gavigan and Mrs McDaid, as always, put together a great show, with the assistance of the whole school staff. A great turnout of family members came along for both shows, finishing with our annual Christmas Hampers Draw organised by the Parents Association. A great end to 2023 – well done everyone!!

Christmas Show!
Christmas Show!

Great excitement in school for the Infants and 1st/2nd Classes! They went to Ballyshannon to see the Christmas Show “Elfie Saves Christmas!”. A great treat for them all – and thanks to our Parents Association, and in particular Roisín McFadden, for making this trip possible. They had a great day out!

Science Week – 1st & 2nd Classes Volcano Experiment!
Science Week – 1st & 2nd Classes Volcano Experiment!

Science Week continued with an experiment to teach the pupils about volcanoes.

Science Week – 1st & 2nd Classes
Science Week – 1st & 2nd Classes

Science Week began in earnest today in the 1st & 2nd Classroom – first experiment of the week!

Hallowe’en GAA Training Fun
Hallowe’en GAA Training Fun

As is normal practice every Friday, the whole school took part in GAA training with Donie from St. Naul’s GAA. This week, however, things took a spooky turn as all sorts of characters turned up to train! Our thanks as always to Donie for being such a good sport!

A welcome treat!!
A welcome treat!!

A treat for everyone today at school as Master O’Donnell organised for the ice cream van to come along! 

Active School Week – Tuesday!
Active School Week – Tuesday!

SPORTS DAY! …… The sun came out and all the pupils had an action packed day. Everyone split up into their allocated colours to make up four teams, each consisting of a mix of pupils ranging from Junior Infants all the way up to 6th Class.

We did ….  * Wake Up Shake up (the whole school)

                        * Sprints (all classes boys/girls)

                        * Egg & Spoon Races (all classes)

                        * Skipping Races (all Classes)

                        * Throw the Wellie (3rd-6th Classes)

                        * Parachute Games (1st & 2nd Classes)

Sports Day Fun!
Sports Day Fun!

Our Sports Day takes place during our Active Week. Lots of fun had by everyone!