The pupils of 1st and 2nd Classes went on a nature walk today to see what species of birds they could find. They also visited our bug hotel to see if there were any new residents!
1st and 2nd Classes made some rainbows with skittles. We also made a volcano which caused an eruption! We have some budding scientists in this room!
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Category:1st & 2nd Classes, Latest News
Everyone entered into the “spirit” of things this Halloween when all the pupils wore their Halloween costumes to school for the day. Some great costumes were on show – well done to the children (and their make up artists!).
The pupils of 1st & 2nd Classes had great fun using the bee bots for maths week!
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Category:1st & 2nd Classes, Latest News
As we begin our final preparations for our Green Schools Biodiversity Flag application, we welcomed our Green Schools Committee to their first meeting of the new school year. They are working very hard to help us obtain our next flag – well done everyone!!
We were absolutely delighted to welcome paralympic champions Katie-George Dunlevy and Linda Kelly to school this morning as they spoke to the children about their careers and showed them not only their olympic medals but also their recent gold medals from the paracycling road world championships. To hear the inspiring stories of the success of these ladies after a very challenging year certainly brought about much pride for them within the school. We are always proud of our Irish athletes and to have one with a connection to the Parish of Inver who was so kind as to come to school to showcase their medals is certainly a memory for the pupils here to treasure. Our thanks to Katie-George and Linda – well done to you both!
A very busy day today during our Active Week saw our pupils cycle take place! The Infants, 1st & 2nd Class Pupils carried out cycling activities on the school yards, while the pupils from 3rd-6th Classes went on a cycle to The Warren beach in Inver. Luckily the weather was kind to us for the day and we were able to get all our activities completed. Our thanks to Sean Gallagher, who has been instrumental in organising all of our cycling activities over the past number of years – and this year was no exception. Thanks also to everyone else who helped out today.
We were delighted to be able to officially open our artificial playground this morning, with guests of honour Brendan McCole and Gavin Mulreany – past pupils and members of the Donegal County GAA Senior Panel. We were also happy to welcome Cllrs. Noel Jordan, Michael Naughton and Tom Conaghan, who were all supporters of our fundraising to build our new facility. Our thanks to our parents and the whole school community for all their hard work in getting us to this stage – amenities like this would not be possible without the continued support we receive locally. A big well done to all the children who provided music and singing for the audience – they have been working very hard recently and, as always, represented the school very well.
1st and 2nd Classes have made some lovely mini books on Turkey. We have chosen Turkey as our country to run to for ‘Run Around Europe’
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Category:1st & 2nd Classes, Physical Activity