Year: 2023


Unfortunately our website was down last week so we were unable to update you all with the latest entrants to our competition. On completion of the 10 week competition, we still have three remaining entrants. Going into this weekends games, two have chosen Brighton and one has chosen Nottingham Forest. So its all to play for this weekend! Best of luck.

Click here for the week 9 update and click here for the week 10 update.


Last Person Standing – Week 9
Last Person Standing – Week 9

Down to single digits now as we lost half of the remaining entrants in the week 8 fixtures. Just 8 entrants go forward to the next round of games, which begin on Tuesday 25th April. With the final set of fixtures coming this weekend, we could have a winner very soon! Best of luck to all those still in the competition.


Click here for the week 8 update. 

Infants Fun Time!
Infants Fun Time!

Junior and Senior Infants enjoyed a daily extra playtime this week as a reward for filling their ‘Bucket of Kindness’ during lent. Good fun was had by all and the pupils have been practising ball skills, skipping, balancing etc., using the school’s P.E. equipment. Thankfully the weather has been on our side!

GAA Training in the sunshine!
GAA Training in the sunshine!

1st & 2nd Classes enjoyed their weekly GAA training session with Donie today in the sun soaked playground!

Last Person Standing – Week 7
Last Person Standing – Week 7

And then there were 16! Another 12 entrants left the competition last weekend, leaving a lucky 16 heading into this weekend. Good luck everyone!


Click here for the latest update.

Last Person Standing – Week 6
Last Person Standing – Week 6

The competition is beginning to heat up with the loss of a further 21 entrants to the competition after week 6 games. We now have a final 28 in the running heading into the last four weeks of games. Good luck to all those still in the competition!


Click here for the week 6 update!

Last Person Standing – Week 5
Last Person Standing – Week 5

After week 5 games we are down under 50 of people ‘still standing’. Having started the weekend with 115 entrants, we are now down to 49, with 66 having left the competition. Best of luck to the 49 remaining who go into week 6 fixtures!


Click here for the week 5 update!

Easter Bunny Hats
Easter Bunny Hats

The children in 1st & 2nd Classes enjoyed their Easter art this week – finishing up today with their fabulous Easter Bunny hats! Well done everyone!

Last Person Standing
Last Person Standing

With the international break for premier league teams taking place over the weekend, there were no fixtures as part of our Last Person Standing competition. We resume this weekend with our game week 5. Best of luck to the remaining 115 participants!