Day: 30 September 2022

Playing Games with the help of 6th Class!
Playing Games with the help of 6th Class!

The 6th Class pupils came to help the Junior Infants play some games.

Authors and Illustrators in the Infant Room!
Authors and Illustrators in the Infant Room!

Senior Infants became authors and illustrators when they made books called “All About Me”. They read them to the Junior Infants.

Nature Walk with the Infants
Nature Walk with the Infants

We went for a nature walk in the playground. We had pictures of all the things we had to find. Lots of fun!

Laps of the Playground!
Laps of the Playground!

Junior & Senior Infants run laps of the playground every morning to wake us up and keep us fit and healthy. We also do jumping jacks and crossover exercises to warm up first. Always a good start to the day!