Day: 25 June 2021

Infants Last Day of School Fun!
Infants Last Day of School Fun!

The Infants have been very busy in the last week with all the activities happening during Active Week! They were presented with their class medals for their sporting achievements and also with their graduation certificates. Well done to all the boys and girls!

Last Day of School – the Ice Cream Van!
Last Day of School – the Ice Cream Van!

Such excitement today on the yard when the children heard the ice cream van arriving! A treat for them all after a year none of us will ever forget!

Active Week – Friday
Active Week – Friday

Our fun an games continued this morning as the children got outside again for games on the yard. A lovely end to a great week.

Active Week – Thursday
Active Week – Thursday

The weather decided that it was not going to cooperative with our  plans for outside activities on Thursday, so all our activities took place in the school hall. We held various events, including a skipathon for the 3rd & 4th Class pupils!