Month: December 2020

Santa came to visit!!!
Santa came to visit!!!

Such excitement here at St. Naul’s this morning as Santa came to visit all the boys and girls! He told them how good they have been all year and that he will be back to see them all again on Christmas Eve! Happy Christmas from all of us here.

Christmas Letter from CMO/Flu Vaccine
Christmas Letter from CMO/Flu Vaccine








Parents, please see the advice issued by the CMO and also the HSE, which the school has been asked to pass on to parents.


Click here for the letter from the CMO, Dr. Tony Holohan


Click here for the HSE information regarding the Flu Vaccine

1st Holy Communion
1st Holy Communion

Congratulations to our 3rd Class pupils who made their 1st Holy Communion on Saturday last. After a long wait due to Covid-19 restrictions, they finally had their special day! Well done to you all for your hard work and patience.