Month: November 2019

Christmas Carols on the Diamond!
Christmas Carols on the Diamond!

The children from 3rd-6th Classes spent a little time on the Diamond in Donegal Town today entertaining the local shoppers with their carol signing. Mrs McDaid was our choir master and as always, the children sounded wonderful! Well done everyone!

Review of Anti Bullying Policy and Child Safeguarding Statement
Review of Anti Bullying Policy and Child Safeguarding Statement

The Board of Management would like to draw your attention to the following (please click on links):

Notification regarding anti bullying policy review 2019 Notification regarding CP Safeguarding Review 2019

Christmas Shoe Box Collection
Christmas Shoe Box Collection

Each year we take part in the annual Christmas Shoe Box Collection for the Team Hope Appeal, who distribute them to children in Eastern Europe and Africa who are affected by poverty. As always, the school community here at St. Naul’s showed true Christmas spirit and we had a large number of boxes donated. Thank you to everyone who helps us to support this worthy charity and give to children less fortunate than our own. Here you can see our Junior and Senior Infants proudly showing off some of the boxes we received!

Science Week gets off to a good start at AbbVie!
Science Week gets off to a good start at AbbVie!

Following the recent launch of the STEM initiative and the presentation here at the school, the pupils of 5th & 6th Classes were invited to the Abbvie facility in Sligo for a tour. They travelled in style on the STEM bus and were delighted after their very interesting tour to be presented with cupcakes and mementoes of their visit!


This week saw the start of our 6 week swimming programme with the pupils from 3rd & 4th Classes. This takes place annually here at St. Naul’s and it is very much looked forward to by the children! Here are the excited pupils on their way to the bus!