Day: 20 March 2019

GAA Training
GAA Training

As part of our Active School Flag process, we invited a coach from our local GAA Club, St. Naul’s, to come along and provide coaching in gaelic football for all classes. As you can see from the photographs, the children had lots of fun while learning new skills. Thank you Donie!

Golf Coaching
Golf Coaching

The coach from our local Golf Club in Murvagh came to the school to teach some golfing skills to the children from 3rd-6th Classes. They learned how to hold the golf club, the correct stance and how to hit a ball! Great fun had by all. Thanks to Leslie for coming in.

School Active Flag Motto
School Active Flag Motto

In January the pupils took part in a poster competition to design a character and motto to represent the Active School Project we are undertaking. Well done to our winner Lucy, who designed ‘Gary Grape’ and came up with the winning school motto – ‘Keep Fit At Least A Bit!’