Month: October 2017

Infants Autumn Leaf Hunt
Infants Autumn Leaf Hunt

The Infants went on a walk around the school grounds and learned about the changing season from Summer to Autumn. They went on a leaf hunt and gathered various types.

Click on the photograph for more pictures……

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”60″ gal_title=”Infants Autumn Leaf Hunt 2017″]


5th & 6th Class Art – Iron Man
5th & 6th Class Art – Iron Man

The children in 5th & 6th Classes have been reading the Book ‘The Iron Man’ and decided to start an art project creating their own ‘Iron Man’. Lots of boxes and tubes were gathered and they set to work! 

Click on the photograph to see more pictures of the pupils at work and their final creations!

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”57″ gal_title=”5th & 6th Class Iron Man Models October 2017″]