Month: February 2017

10 @ 10
10 @ 10

Today the whole school took part in ’10 @ 10′ as part of our ongoing Active School Project. All the children (and Teachers/Sna’s!) took part in ten minutes of exercise at 10.00am on the 10th day of the month. Click on a photograph to enlarge and see more!

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3rd & 4th Class Bird Feeders
3rd & 4th Class Bird Feeders

The children of 3rd & 4th Class made bird feeders out of milk cartons. They cut and painted them and hung them on the trees in the school yard for all the birds to enjoy!

Click on the photograph for more pictures……

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”48″ gal_title=”3rd & 4th Class Bird Feeders”]



St. Brigids Cross Making
St. Brigids Cross Making

All the pupils were busy on St. Brigid’s Day making their crosses!

Click on the photograph for more pictures….

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”43″ gal_title=”St. Brigids Cross Making”]
Senior Room Bake Sale
Senior Room Bake Sale

The pupils of 5th & 6th Classes were learning about business and decided to hold a bake sale. They advertised in the school and most of the children baked some goodies which they would then sell at the bake sale. It was a huge success with plenty of eager customers queuing up to buy the stock! When the sale was over, the ‘company’ had to pay back their suppliers (the parents and guardians!) and any profit made will be used for pupil benefits. 

Click on the photograph for more pictures……..

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”42″ gal_title=”Senior Room Bake Sale!”]