Year: 2016

Planting Trees
Planting Trees

Around two weeks ago Declan and Jim from Coillte came in the morning and talked to Mrs McCallig’s class and Mr O’Donnell’s class. We went outside and they taught us about all the different types of trees like the Birch, Oak and the Rowan tree. Jim and Declan taught us how to plant the trees with a special spade and then we planted a couple beside the yard. Some of us even got to name the trees after themselves. The 5th and 6th class pupils even got to take a tree home and plant it at their house.  

By Sophie.

Click on the photograph below for more pictures…..

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”33″ gal_title=”Planting Trees – October 2016″]


Science and Magic
Science and Magic

Visiting students from France came to school to show our 5th & 6th Classes some science and magic! Lots of experiments were carried out and the pupils learned some new tricks along the way!

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3rd & 4th Class Halloween Art
3rd & 4th Class Halloween Art

A display of the Halloween Art by 3rd & 4th Classes….

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Infants Halloween Art!
Infants Halloween Art!

Some of the Halloween Art done by our Junior and Senior Infants….


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Football Blitz
Football Blitz

We went up to the AstroTurf recently for two blitzes with our local schools – Frosses, St. Peters and Killian.

Our teams performed well on both days and it was a great opportunity for the pupils of all the schools to come together and play some sport.

Click on the picture for more photos!

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”32″ gal_title=”Schools Football Blitz”]
Infants Autumn Leaf Hunt!
Infants Autumn Leaf Hunt!

The Infants went on a hunt around the school to see all the Autumn leaves!


Click on the picture below for more photos!

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”31″ gal_title=”Infants Autumn Leaf Hunt!”]
Cross Country County Finals!
Cross Country County Finals!

We had a very good day out in Lifford at the Primary Schools Cross Country County Finals. All the children ran a great race and we came home with team winners medals for the U9 girls, U11 boys and U11 girls.


Our U11 Girls team came home as Small Schools Cross Country County Champions, while our U9 Girls team came second and our U11 Boys team came third.


Everyone was delighted with their performance and we are very proud of them all – the whole school came out to welcome them back on their arrival!


Well done everyone!


Our thanks to Barbara McGroary for the photographs! Click on the picture below for more photos!

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”30″ gal_title=”Cross Country County Finals”]
Making Books for the Infants!
Making Books for the Infants!

The 5th & 6th Classes started making their books for the Infants. We interviewed the Infants and asked them all about their favourite things. When we have finished this we will each start to write a small book for each child.

Click on the picture below to see more pictures!

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”26″ gal_title=”Making Infants Books”]



Welcome Back!
Welcome Back!

Welcome back!

Welcome to the school year 2016/2017. Everyone at Scoil Naomh Náille wishes you a good year and we extend a special Cead Mile Fáilte to our new pupils and families. Please click on the link in the parents section to view our latest newsletter, and on the calendar link to view our school closures for the coming year.

School Tour 2016
School Tour 2016

Our school tour took place on Monday 27th June. We travelled to Sligo for our tour and everyone had a great day! 


Click on the photograph below for more pictures!

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”25″ gal_title=”School Tour 2016″]