Month: November 2016

5th & 6th Class Art
5th & 6th Class Art

This week we did an art project called ‘Wax Resist Art’. 

Click on the photograph to see some of us at work!

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Nativity Rehearsals!!!!
Nativity Rehearsals!!!!

We are already busy planning our Christmas Nativity Play, which will take place this year on Wednesday 21st December. We have begun learning our songs and lines and costumes are being prepared! We are all very excited and hope you will all come along to see us perform!

Click the photograph for more pictures!

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”36″ gal_title=”Nativity Rehearsals”]
Infants – Food Tasting!
Infants – Food Tasting!

We tasted lots of different fruits and made menus for the restaurant in our classroom.

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”35″ gal_title=”Infants – Food Tasting!”]

click on the photograph for more pictures!

1st & 2nd Class Art – Me and My Shadow
1st & 2nd Class Art – Me and My Shadow

The 1st and 2nd Class Pupils with their art for their project ‘Me and My Shadow’

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”34″ gal_title=”1st & 2nd Class Art – Me and My Shadow”]

click on the photograph for more pictures!

Christmas Shoebox Appeal
Christmas Shoebox Appeal


The Infants with some of the boxes which have been brought to school by the children for onward distribution to poor children in Africa and Eastern Europe. The Shoebox Appeal is a charity which we support every year and the children enjoy filling their boxes and bringing them to school!

Planting Trees
Planting Trees

Around two weeks ago Declan and Jim from Coillte came in the morning and talked to Mrs McCallig’s class and Mr O’Donnell’s class. We went outside and they taught us about all the different types of trees like the Birch, Oak and the Rowan tree. Jim and Declan taught us how to plant the trees with a special spade and then we planted a couple beside the yard. Some of us even got to name the trees after themselves. The 5th and 6th class pupils even got to take a tree home and plant it at their house.  

By Sophie.

Click on the photograph below for more pictures…..

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”33″ gal_title=”Planting Trees – October 2016″]