Parents Association

There is a very positive relationship between the Parents Association and the School Management here at Scoil Naomh Náille. The Parents Association have played a major part in the development of the school as it continues to grow.

Our Parents Association provide support to the school in many different ways. For example, a substantial amount of money was raised to allow us to develop additional school accommodation. The Parents Association are also very supportive in providing funding for  transport to sporting activities and school tours; and they regularly assist in organising functions held in the school, e.g. flag raising days, open days, etc.

The Parents Association has an A.G.M. at the start of each school year where a committee is elected. The committee provides support annually to the school in the following areas:

  • Halloween Party
  • Christmas Party
  • Some fund raising events for school, e.g. School Cycle/Fun Run/Walk; Jersey Day/No Uniform Day, Raffles

The Principal liaises with the Parents Association on an on-going basis throughout the year. The Principal may, on request, attend at the beginning of a Parents Association meeting for a short time in order to relay current school matters/news. The school website is also used as a communication tool between the school and the parents.

The Parents Association shall:

  • Represent the parents of our school
  • Support the Principal and staff in the pursuance of school aims and objectives
  • Encourage parents to be active partners in the education of their children
  • Help communication between parents and school.
  • Have input into the development of school policies.

Our current Parents Association are –

Chairperson – Deborah Diver

Assistant Chairperson – Fidelma Toland

Secretary – Fionnuala Duffy

Assistant Secretary – Martina Foy

Treasurer – Laura Gallagher

Assistant Treasurer – Emer Connolly