Active Schools Week in June – Day 4

Our week continued with our usual morning start of ‘Wake Up, Shake up’ and 3/5 Minute lap running challenge. All the children were smashing their records today with the number of laps increasing day by day!

The Infant classes had a very exciting day as they played musical chairs and engaged in some entertaining parachute games in the GP room which turned out to be great craic and a very inclusive physical activity.

Lots of different activities took place in the afternoon, from novelty activities for 3rd/4th Classes to chain games and egg and spoon races for the whole school.

Dancing practise continued after the breaks while some of the classes put their energies into circuits, skipping and ball games.

The senior classes’ football final was an exciting affair, with lots of goals scored and happy winners on the day. Our thanks to Mr. Byrne who coordinated this competition.

This brought another active day at school to a successful finale.