Active Schools Week in June – Day 2

We started the morning with ‘Wake Up, Shake Up’ in the GP room; getting everyone’s heart rate going to the beat of the music. Once again the 3/5 minute lap running challenge got underway with pupils trying to beat their own record from yesterdays run. The dance practice continued in the classrooms after both breaks and it is heating up for a great display at the showcase planned for next week.


The Skipathon is always an exciting activity and is fun for children of all fitness levels. Each pupil participated in a class skipping race. This was followed by ‘who can skip the longest?’ to great cheers from fellow-classmates. The Active Agents kept things running smoothly with changeover of skipping ropes to each class. Today’s novelty lunch time event was the Limbo Game for 1st and 2nd class. There was a great interest in this new activity in the yard.

Late afternoon was very busy with a wide range of games and physical activity getting underway. Mrs McCallig’s class played Hotseat and quickly moved on to a fun circuit activity. Another class worked on their ‘Run Around Ireland’ challenge while the senior classes were getting to grips with new playground “chain games” – boys versus the girls. A fun time was most definitely had. It was great to see how happy the pupils were while they kept active and at the same time learnt healthy habits for life.

This continued until the bell rang for home time when the children were reminded of their active homework! Pupil quote “This is too much fun..”