Summer Cycle 2017

The Parents Association of St. Naul’s National School would like to thank everyone who came along to support our fundraising walk/cycle/run over the summer holidays. This is an important fundraiser for the school and all the support from the local and school community was much appreciated.

The events began with the children’s cycle, when the younger children took part in cycling activities on the school yard, while the older children undertook a cycle route along the road (with their Garda escort!). They all had great fun and helped to raise money for the school. 

We then held our annual cycle/walk/run, which this year incorporated a 5k walk/run or a 30/60k cycle. As always, this event was well supported by our local school and wider community.

In particular, we would like to thank Sean Gallagher for all his work every year in organising the event, and Brian McCabe for the organisation of the walk/run. Thanks to all the Guards, Drivers, First Aiders, Marshals, Timekeepers, people who helped with posters and signage, registration, parking, and those who helped with refreshments on the day. Particular thanks also to some of the sponsors for the day, namely Malachy Byrne of Byrnes Butchers in Dunkineely, Brenda Gallagher of Brenda’s Beauty Salon in Inver, and Tom Dunleavy of Holmes Service Station in Donegal Town.

Click on the photograph for more images of the days…..

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