Month: March 2017

Pedal Right Cycling Course
Pedal Right Cycling Course

The children of 3rd & 4th Classes have been taking part in a cycling proficiency course organised through our Green Schools Project. They have all been learning about road safety and how to keep themselves safe on their bikes!

Click on the photograph for more pictures……

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Donation to Bluestack Foundation
Donation to Bluestack Foundation



The children of 5th & 6th Classes held a cake sale at the school recently where they all baked at home and sold their ‘goodies’ to the pupils and staff of the school. They wanted to make a donation to a local charity from the money raised and decided to donate to the Bluestack Foundation.

Well done to all the pupils to baked the cakes and buns, and for making their donation to the Bluestack Foundation – a very worthwhile local charity.

Sportshall County Finals
Sportshall County Finals


Congratulations to our Sportshall Athletes who competed today in the County Finals at the Aura Centre in Letterkenny. In a closely contested final, they came second by the narrowest of margins – just two points. Well done to all the children who took part in the event.