Active Schools Week in June – Day 1

The rain showers did not deter the children or staff in starting their fun activities. We began with a morning assembly where the Active Agents informed us all about the action-packed timetable for the week ahead. We then moved outside where the whole school took part in a ‘Wake Up Shake Up’ routine led by our Active Agents. A 3-minute lap running challenge followed starting with the junior classes. There were so many exciting activities throughout the day as the weather cleared. Three different games of rounders were going on in the busy yard at one time while Junior and Senior Infants had fun playing dodgeball in the GP room. Afterwards, a fun dance routine was practised in each classroom. Meanwhile the Infant classes had an extra novelty game during their lunch break.

A big thank you to Leslie Robinson from Donegal Golf Club who kindly gave our 5th and 6th classes a golf lesson in the afternoon. The fun factor and energy levels kept up right to the end of the day with new team games, “Deflection” and “‘Bullseye”, creating lots of excitement.